

what you are about to enjoy is extreme emotion. whether that emotion is joy, sadness, hope, weakness, strength, disappointment or elation, know that everything you read here is
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help me help fight Cancer one word at a time,

..."feed your faith and your tears will starve to death"...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Locked Out

When it rains it pours, literally and figuratively. In the literal sense, the weather here was extremely dreary. In a figurative sense, two of our four cars had to pay a visit to the shop (but they are running great now) and then the garage door opener decided to stop working.

Now the bit about the garage door opener not working would not be a big deal... had we been INSIDE the house; however, naturally we were outside the house. Today Aunt Michelle made us a delicious dinner, so we paid her, Scott and Kian a visit. Unfortunately, Zach left the house after we did and obviously missed the memo about NOT shutting the garage door.

So there we were, sitting in our driveway in the drizzling rain contemplating how we were going to break into our own home. Of course, not ONE of the five of us owns a house key (because in our neighborhood it is not necessary). But as we scoured the premises looking for a way in our dog was barking like Big Foot was attacking him. Patio doors- locked. Dog began salivating like a maniac. Deck doors- locked. Dog started hopping up and down, barking incessantly. Front door- locked. Sidney is running in circles (it almost looked like he was chasing his tail). Windows- locked. Dog begins to howl like a wolf.

Finally, dad decided that he was just going to blast through the man door in the garage. And he did just that. Thank goodness, because otherwise we might still be outside our house looking like vagabonds.

It is never a dull moment around here... but we are just happy that mom is feeling great today and was able to enjoy the delicious dinner Aunt Michelle made as well as the show in our driveway.