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help me help fight Cancer one word at a time,

..."feed your faith and your tears will starve to death"...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What's Up, Cancerrr??? You are pretty much HOMELESS

During mom’s week off from chemo she was very active! She spent time with friends at lunch, made a cameo appearance in her hip-hop class, as well as walked 2 miles for FUN! It was great to see her getting out and about.

However, this week brought about a double whammy chemo dosage that will inevitably wear her out. Chemo is tricky that way, rather than developing a tolerance to the treatments, she will continually get sicker from her dose.

But here is the GOOD NEWS: she IS beating Cancer. Her CT Scan came back WITHOUT any Cancerous spots. Those spots that were there were the reason for chemotherapy post-surgery. The doctor did say she has a cyst on her liver, but not to be concerned about that cyst because apparently six out of ten women have them.

In even more GOOD NEWS— studies show that women who’s CA125 numbers drop within the average range (30 & below) by their third chemo treatment have better chances of survival. Um, FYI, mom was BELOW average BEFORE her third cycle. What’s up now, Cancer?!

Needless to say this was EXTREMELY encouraging, even the doctor (who happens to be an avid Pittsburgh Pens fan) is excited!

Its been a long road and we aren’t quite home yet, but we are certainly getting closer to our destination and IT FEELS GREAT!


  1. AnonymousJuly 29, 2010


  2. AnonymousJuly 29, 2010

    Dear Danielle,
    This is absolutely fabulous news!!! I am sure that all our relatives and friends from every walk of life who have been praying for your Mother feel as if those prayers have been answered. Of course, we will celebrate with food and drink (as soon as your Mother can do so.) I will start making the brownies, and I hope everyone will continue to keep Susan in their prayers. It's not over til it's over.
    Love you,

  3. God is GREAT! Prayers continuing on for your whole family!!!

  4. Barbara WhitingAugust 04, 2010

    Praise God!

    Hugs to your Mom, and God bless your Mom..and you, Danielle, for letting us know how she's doing. You must be a great support and comfort to her.
