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help me help fight Cancer one word at a time,

..."feed your faith and your tears will starve to death"...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Chores!

"If it is not on the grocery list, it is not going to be bought!"

My Dad usually does not do the grocery shopping. However, he has recently taken over this chore because:
1.) Mom isn't aloud carry more than 5lbs
2.) If Zach & Andrew shopped we would be living on Kool-Aid, Doritos, Hot Pockets and pizza
3.) And if I shopped we would be living on lettuce, Subway, cereal, and Diet Coke

The boys have not yet caught on to the idea of writing what they want from the grocery store on Dad's list, so when Dad came home from grocery shopping today without any bath soap, Zach and Andrew were like "umm... what the heck, where's the soap?!" This is when we learned that Dad follows verbatim what is written on the list, places it in the cart and then moves to the next item! He is a no hassle shopper... clearly. But hey, he does a far better job than I would!

Dad isn't the only person inheriting new chores around the house, though. Today I mowed the front lawn-- and before you go ahead chuckle I will have you know that a few summer's back I worked for a landscaping company. I will say though, we have this hill on the side of the house which is kind of tricky to mow. Several swear words later paired with one very sweaty mower, I FINALLY finished the stupid hill. And it doesn't look half bad, if I do say so myself!

Zach mopped the kitchen floor. Although he swore up and down he had absolutely no recollection of how to do so, he picked it up EXTREMELY quickly! Mom and I reminded him that he has been an employee at Perkins for some time now, surely they have had him mop before?! What do ya know, he has!

Then there is Andrew. We are just praying that he cleans his room. Dear goodness. I swear, there may be small animals nesting in there and we would never know. Ew.

Off to get my hair chopped and Mom's wig fitted... Have a good day! :)