Sidney, our adorable dog, is joining us in experiencing the trek through defeating Cancer. We all noticed that he is exceptionally attentive to my mom the past few weeks, following her through the house, watching over her as she sleeps; he knows something is going on. However, last night was the icing on the cake.
It was about 10 o'clock. Every night mom and I lie in her bed and read for about an hour. I was busy reading my latest pick from Barnes and Noble, while she too was enjoying her new book.
It is here where I must side track a bit... as most people know, chemo patients lose their hair. My mom, Harbor Creek High School's Class of 1983 Best Hair winner, is slowly losing her award winning locks. (We try to stay positive about this, the fact that it is falling out is a good thing in my eyes. It means the chemo is working, killing all the bad stuff too!) Anyways, obviously she is not going to be walking around bald, so as I've previously mentioned, she got a wig and had it styled to look just like her real hair.
Well the wig has a stand. And the stand is on the dresser in my mom and dad's room. And Sidney spotted the wig, which sent him into crazy-protective-dog-mode, barking and growling as though Michael Myer's had just stepped into our house.
So mom try's to "introduce" Sidney to the wig. Yeah, he was not having any of that either. In fact, he sprinted out of the room to hide. Finally, once he found it within himself to sneak back into the room, he kept one eye on the wig and one eye on my mom!
I never thought that our dog would take notice to such a sensitive matter. Yet, there he was, freaking out about my mom's wig! ha! I guess dog's really are, "a (wo)man's best friend!"