This week brought about a lot of exciting news and happenings. For starters, mom got another CA125 blood test result which took another deep plunge! Just as a brief reminder, her CA125 level was at 881 when she was diagnosed. Well, here we are entering the second cycle of chemo and her CA125 came in at a stellar 16!!! (Bear in mind that anything below 35 is considered excellent). Ideally the doctors would like to see her sporting a single digit CA125 blood marker in order to lessen the chances of a relapse. Needless to say, we are elated to see her successfully knock out Cancer one cell at a time, one week at a time.
Although the improvement is visible in the numbers, mom is still getting aggressive amounts of chemo and therefore she is feeling under the weather. Usually the weekend after a double dose of chemo, such as this week, brings about a lot of unwelcome nausea and such. For now, mom is relaxing on the couch sporting her CANCER SUCKS shirt (given to her as a gift from a friend).
In other news around the house, while mom and dad were off to the 'Burgh for chemo, Zach and his girlfriend, Amanda, found 8 baby kittens. All of the kitty's have found a home, one of which will be permanently residing in the Chase household. This kitty is currently unnamed and weighs in at a tough 1.1 pounds. Yes, you've read that correctly: 1.1 pounds. She is a peanut.
Our four week old kitten and mom have already bonded; in fact, while mom was up last night not feeling well, the kitten was keeping her company. I came downstairs this morning to find mom and the kitten snuggled up in a blanket on the couch together. I don't think the kitten could have found a better home nor could we have found a better kitten! And what perfect timing... who couldn't use a little fur ball of love?!
Stay tuned for more...
P.S. Tomorrow is mom's birthday!