When I graduated from high school Zach was in the 8th grade. He has come a long way from dwelling the hallways of junior high to receive his diploma today.
It is always exciting to watch people grow and change. And over the years Zach has slowly but surely found his footing in the young adult world; something my parents are certainly proud of. And despite yet another round of chemo in conjunction with mom's white blood cell shot she received just 4 hours prior to the graduation commencement, mom was leading Corey and myself into the auditorium looking for the perfect aisle seat in which to take a plethora of pictures from.
Kinda funny how life works, I thought to myself today. I always thought that I needed to be the one to keep strong for her; but in reality, she is the one that keeps ME strong. She strutted her way into graduation looking like a run-way model today and faced an entire community of genuinely concerned and caring people. Not only was she battling the emotions of watching her second baby walk across the stage and into the next phase of life, but also she had to face crowds of concern all the while keeping her emotions in check. And she did!
Today emotions were flying high. And kudos to my mama for continuing to be our family's rock, even though everyone would understand if she fell apart. But then again, she's not that kind of gal. She is tough.
P.S. Congratulations, Zachary! I am extremely proud of you. And I can't wait to see what the next chapter of your life brings!