Please excuse my blogging; or rather, lack there of. I have no valid excuse other than I am on summer vacation which therefore means I struggle to keep up with the rhythm of the universe all together.
This week has proven to be another eventful one- it seems as though we can never escape commotion of any nature. Here is where I must insert my disclaimer- WARNING: I am fully intending on complaining and whining, so if you want to hear about sunshine & summertime, this particular entry may not be yours to read, so sorry. Bear in mind that the onset of our "misfortune" began with mom's ovaries malfunctioning. HOWEVER, as though this is not enough, our calamity (okay, perhaps that's a bit melodramatic... read calamity as 'adversity') continued into the breaking of everything we own.
Shortly following the Cancer diagnosis, my car decided to practically combust into flames on I-79 South en route to see Corey. I turn around. $1500+, 6 visits to the mechanic and 3 weeks later Ole' Red (circa 1999) is running like an Olympian.
Next the garage door no longer opened, which would not be such a big ordeal had we been inside the house or in possession of house keys. I won't drone on and on about the details of this incident, because y'all already about our being locked out. A couple hundred dollars later, the garage door now opens when you press the button. Magical.
The latest breakage around here is the washer which was followed just hours later by the lawn mower that decided to stop working as well. We are currently in the process of fixing these issues.
It is to the point where we feel as though everything we touch becomes discombobulated. I am considering wrapping mom in bubble wrap because she certainly cannot handle much more breakage right now!!! Hold that thought while I let out a stress relieving scream...
... Okay. Moving on.
ON A POSITIVE NOTE- mom, Grandma Pakela and I indulged in a pedicure at Coventina Day Spa on Friday. It was absolutely fabulous! I think mom really enjoyed getting pampered; she certainly deserves the extra attention! Our toes look lovely for the holiday weekend; however, I kid you not, I chipped the paint on my big toe of my right foot within an hour of the appointment. Such is life!
In conclusion, I would like to say, I am getting off the computer so that it too doesn't break & please know that my mom is doing just lovely! Rock on! She is due for a double whammy chemo dosage on Wednesday this week. Prayers appreciated :)
Happy Birthday, America!