We rearranged the living room. One might think this to be a simple task but obviously that was NOT the case or I would not feel the need to write about it. Most normal humans rearrange their living rooms all of the time; however, we do NOT, simply because (and this is according to my father and brothers) the living room is set up for optimum viewing & gaming pleasure that is also aesthetically “perfect.”
Of course this is extremely debatable, especially from my mother’s standpoint; after all, she has been staring at this living room day in and day out since March. It was time for a change. But anyone who knows my father knows that change is not his strong suit. Once something works, he does not like to vary his routine- like, EVER.
But too bad for the boys, mom & I began pushing; shoving, dragging and heaving our furniture around the living room looking for just the right lay out.
Enter father. Let’s just say, he was not pleased to see we had moved his “thrown” from its pivotal vantage point. He then began to complain that we absolutely CANNOT move his 52” HD television from the corner in which it stood because: 1.) the Bose surround sound is wired according to the current floor plan, 2.) the HD output wire is not to be unplugged by anyone but a professional (which, FYI, I think dad made that part up because he really had no desire to move the TV) and 3.) the stupid X-Box (which also I don’t understand why we couldn’t move that either… but whateverrrr!!!)
So we ended up revamping the living room, coming up with a new lay out that left the almighty television in its current perch but it also gives mom a little variance in her couch-laying-views. The boys do not approve of the rearranged space because they claim it intrudes their ability to play X-Box up close & personal. Because yes, although our television is just shy of being the same width as my height, Zach and Andrew (and Father) must sit approximately 2 inches from the screen and scream into their nerdy little headsets on X-Box live.
The good news here is, that mom and I got what we wanted but MORE IMPORTANTLY, mom is feeling well enough to help shove our furniture around & cause a little ruckus in the house. Sure feels good.
a family's journey through Cancer, as told by Danielle.
what you are about to enjoy is extreme emotion. whether that emotion is joy, sadness, hope, weakness, strength, disappointment or elation, know that everything you read here is true. please feel free to post your thoughts :) they are much appreciated!
help me help fight Cancer one word at a time,

..."feed your faith and your tears will starve to death"...