

what you are about to enjoy is extreme emotion. whether that emotion is joy, sadness, hope, weakness, strength, disappointment or elation, know that everything you read here is
true. please feel free to post your thoughts :) they are much appreciated!

help me help fight Cancer one word at a time,

..."feed your faith and your tears will starve to death"...

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Another morning came and went, again I must thank Zach for his getting up and willing Andrew out of insomniac mode; I did not manage to do so. Today would have been a terrible day for them to miss; it was Zach's LAST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL! A week from today he will be accepting his diploma and moving onto the next phase of his life. So strange to think I can remember his first day of Kindergarten. He did not want to go, but when he got home he informed us that it was, "dood." That translates into good.

Turning off memory lane and onto reality drive, mom and dad made it home from chemo today. (Dad requests that the speed limit be changed from 55-65 on I-79 to somewhere around 150+ so that he can get to and from the 'Burgh quickly. Oh, and Penn Dot construction is taking over the entire highway, which is entirely annoying.) Anyways, I hate chemo. It just makes her so sleepy along with many other uncomfortable things. It is so strange to see my mom lying on the couch; this is something she never used to do. Normally she is zipping around the house, running to the store, or headed to an ice rink to watch the boys play hockey. Resting is important but even so, chemo really does suck just about everything out of her: good, bad and otherwise.

However, it is much easier watching her go through chemo when we know that it is in fact working!!! Now we just have to get dad to pick up the right color of Gatorade to ease her through the next few days of liquid dieting. We instructed him to get any color BUT yellow yet somehow he came home WITH yellow Gatorade?! Perhaps he is color blind.

Other than that, nothing interesting is going on around here! Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day!


  1. Hi Danielle,
    I too am glad that your brothers made it to school and hopefully on time. Give your mom my best and tell her I'm thinking of her. Tell her to give me a call when the "nasty" feeling from the chemo subsides. I know you'll continue to hold down the fort while she's in her rest phase. Please call if there's anything you need!

  2. If we had a chaise lounge on wheels, we could drag your Mom out into the warmth on the deck. She could watch you all do Tai Chi at sunset from under a big-brimmed hat. Oh, and if Zach is done with school, he could join your group. If that happens, post pics, okay? :-)
