

what you are about to enjoy is extreme emotion. whether that emotion is joy, sadness, hope, weakness, strength, disappointment or elation, know that everything you read here is
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help me help fight Cancer one word at a time,

..."feed your faith and your tears will starve to death"...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Typical Tuesday

I am fully aware that I have been slacking on the blogging the past few days. However, I am happy to report that our lives have been perfectly normal; therefore, I have nothing all that interesting to write!

With the weather FINALLY make a turn for the better; we have been enjoying the sun (in small doses since mom isn't really supposed to be catching rays, having chemo and all).

The latest news here is that tomorrow mom and dad will head down to Pittsburgh for two rounds of chemo treatments. One is scheduled for Wednesday at 9AM and then another for Thursday at 7AM. Both treatments will be 4 hours long; she is currently uploading her iPod with relaxing and meditative tunes (some of which have been downloaded by dad; it is his newest obsession). In fact, I would just like to say that he has been glued to the computer uploading every song known to mankind the past few days. This is what happens when the Pens get knocked out of the run for the Stanley Cup!

I am certain there will be plenty of comical stories spurring from Zach, Andrew and I holding down the fort while mom and dad are in Pittsburgh. Stay tuned, I will be sure to get back on a blogging spree!


  1. The past week has been great! I've had a lot more energy and a ravenous appetite. My days have been spent visiting with friends and family, going on walks with Rob, and watching Danielle and my Mom clean and paint the pantry and keep up around the house.

    I had a great outing with Kathy today. We went to Target and Romolo's. Their spice Tai Chi tea is delicious! Have you ever tried their dark chocolate blueberry bark? It is out of this world!

    Jenny also stopped by with some of my favorite goodies! I am really being spoiled these days! It was so good to catch up with one of my favorite parents from our hockey family.

    It has been so nice to have some typical days where I have been feeling pretty good. But tomorrow we will make our way back to a place I try to forget about when I don't have to be there--the hospital. At least I know what to expect this time! Thank you for all of the heartfelt prayers. They mean so much to me!

  2. Kathy LewisMay 25, 2010

    Hey Sue,
    I decided to post by my URL so if I forget to sign my name you will know who it's from. We did have a good time shopping and hanging out at Romolos on a school day (you can only do that if you are old and retired like me or on sick leave like you) but it still feels like you should be in school, doesn't it. Good luck tomorrow and Thursday and tell Danielle to get her brothers to school on time! Will be anxious to hear from you!

  3. Melanie HoitingaMay 25, 2010

    Danielle, please don't kill your brothers while your parents are away. Just keep telling yourself, "They are my blood, they are my blood".

    Mrs. H.
