

what you are about to enjoy is extreme emotion. whether that emotion is joy, sadness, hope, weakness, strength, disappointment or elation, know that everything you read here is
true. please feel free to post your thoughts :) they are much appreciated!

help me help fight Cancer one word at a time,

..."feed your faith and your tears will starve to death"...

Monday, September 27, 2010


As of last Wednesday my mom is CANCER FREE. No analogy will do this feeling justice, so you will just have to smile and thank God for sparing my mom for a couple more decades- it is beyond appreciated. It is kind of like thinking you bombed a test and getting back, like, a 98%. But only it is way better than that too...

I am back at school and going home as often as I can to visit with the family. And while the weekends go way too fast, it is always refreshing to pull in the drive way and think, my mom does not have Cancer.

Tomorrow she will get her stomach port out because it will no longer be of service to her!!! She will however, keep her chest port in for a while still- it is standard protocol.

I do have more to say on this but I absolutely must go to bed-- so think of this as a brief intermission! Goodnight!

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