Well, we did it. The party was a success! It seems that at this time I should ramble on about all of the people helping prepare, set up and clean up the rather large shebang, but I would hate to leave someone out (which would inevitably happen). So rather than listing everyone's names I just want to give Grandma and Grandpa Pakela a shout out. They helped with every aspect of the party; I know my mom appreciated their assistance as well as their cooking expertise. And as far as name dropping is concerned, I absolutely must thank my boyfriend, Corey, who was a great help this weekend too. I don't how I got so lucky to have met a guy like him, but I am sure glad I did! We are so blessed to have so many family members and friends who have been of such succor over the course of not only planning this monstrosity of a party but also through the whole entire Cancer-process. And then of course, there is mom, hosting a party with over 100 people in attendance is never an easy task but she (and dad) did a wonderful job wading through the masses and socializing. By the time the last guest left I was exhausted, so one can only imagine how tired mom had to have been. I know I say this just about every day, but her strength is really impressive.
All of the food was amazing and it only made me jealous because making a piece of toast is a task for me. Thankfully the weather cooperated, had it rained I think mom might have lost her calm, cool and collected demeanor. Which on a side note, as strong as my mom is, and God love her, she is famous for spazzing out before the guests arrive and then she convincingly morphs into the world's most poised party host. Those of you who have ever see a mom before hosting a party know this trick, as all mom's do so--one minute they are sprinting around the house in their robe spouting off orders about where the cake goes and, "who was supposed to dust the mantel?" and then shortly there after they are sitting cross legged in a lawn chair chatting up their guests, laughing and smiling?! However, I suppose this is as natural as spring following winter and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to break this innate party host quality; not even chemo therapy can break the cycle for my mom so good luck to the rest of you spouses and children of party-hosting-mothers. Regardless, mom did a fabulous job with the grad party and had I not known she had blood work taken just 24 hours prior as well as chemo 3 days before guests began to arrive, I would not have known she was busy fighting Cancer and checking the mantel for dust.
The festivities rolled on from 3PM until the wee-hours of the morning when finally, dad's good friend and college roommate, Bob (also known as the master of the corn hole tournament) and his partner in crime, Scott (my uncle), decided it was time to hit the sack.
I know my mom appreciated everyone coming to help Zach celebrate his graduation and I don't think the day could have gone better! We expect to see ya'll about this same time next year for Andrew's graduation and heck, we can celebrate mom's remission then too...
a family's journey through Cancer, as told by Danielle.
what you are about to enjoy is extreme emotion. whether that emotion is joy, sadness, hope, weakness, strength, disappointment or elation, know that everything you read here is true. please feel free to post your thoughts :) they are much appreciated!
help me help fight Cancer one word at a time,

..."feed your faith and your tears will starve to death"...
I agree the party was a huge success! I only wished I would have taken one of Uncle Scott's famous chocolate chip cookies. I heard lots of people raving about them. Of course they didn't last long once the word hit the streets! Your mom was of course at her party hostess best. I overheard a relative (know it was a relative because she refered to your mom as Susan)ask if your mom was upstairs resting. I knew there was no way your mom would be in bed with a house and yard full of company. I went outside and sure enough your mom was chatting with a group of colleagues. Great party! I look forward to Andrew's next year, unless of course he moves to Canada to play hockey!